Saturday 30 July 2011

Unknown (2011) Review

(This is my first review and I'm a little excited :)

Unknown is a thriller about a man who, whilst in Berlin for work, is involved in a car accident. Martin Harris is in a comma for 4 days, when he finally wakes up with no recollection of what has happened. He then discovers someone seems to have stolen his identify and then as things unravel, in his attempts to 'Take back his life' he discovers things aren't also what they seem.

I have to admit, Unknown wasn't one of those films that had me running into the cinema to watch, however when I watched it on DVD it was really good, and I wished I had seen it in the cinema. If you liked 'Taken' then you will love this. I liked how this film details that seemed insignificant related to things further on. Liam Neesons acting was great, as in 'Taken' and believable. The scenes to watch out for is the one at a professors office with the two Martin Harris, it's amazing and the end scene at the hotel in the final fight. And not to forget the Taxi plunging off Oberbaumbrucke bridge. (By the way Diane Kruger did this stunt herself, without a stunt double, so I got to give her props for that :) January Jones was good in this film, however I watch mad men, so I couldn't take her seriously as a terrorist. Adian Quinn was great as the 'Fake' Dr. Martin Harris and probably could make me believe he was Liam Neeson .
I didn't like Diane Kruger's character Gina, I'm sorry she was a right bitch! Martin (Neeson) only wanted to thank her and she was all like "Go away leave me alone!" Bitch, it's called gratitude. And the film is a lot to follow, so you should probably read the plot again on Wikipedia afterward if you do get confused, like me.

Overall, I thought the film was good and liked how the twist played out (It was really unexpected!), but a little bit confusing. I think this deserves a 7.8/10.

If you like this film you will love:
Taken, Inception, From Paris with love and Salt

Liam Neeson - Dr. Martin Harris (A)
Diane Kruger - Gina
January Jones - Liz Harris
Aidan Quinn - The other Dr. Martin Harris (B)

Wednesday 27 July 2011


So during the summer holidays I am always so bored, I have decided to write reviews on films I will watch. I don't want to being doing this wrong or disappointing my many fans :) so i've come up with a set of rules.
1. I will do at least 2 reviews a week, unless i go away on holiday (Come on lets be reasonable I won't be watching many films on holiday:)
2. Reviews must include a quick synopsis and something good and something bad about it.
3. Reviews must be done the next day after seeing a film, because sometimes when you leave the cinema you can get a bit to hyped up about a film and the next day be like pfft.
4. Reviews will not have any spoilers, but if you really want one then just message me :)
5. If the film is bad I WILL RANT.
Well then, i hope you like my reviews and follow me :)